Monday, August 1, 2011


Reagan got his first bee sting today.... he was a trooper though.  He didn't even really cry but was whining and fussing, which is how I knew he had gotten stung.  I pulled the stinger out and luckily it didn't swell, but I know it must've hurt :(  Poor baby.  I'd post a pic, but there's not much to see.  Just a red mark now. 


We've been trying to keep very busy lately.  Play-dates, going to the malls, parks, grocery shopping, house cleaning (blah), etc... I totally forgot that I started this blog months ago, so here I am to update it.  A little background on the name... yes, it's a song (great one!); but I literally do have a tiny dancer!  Here he is... whenever he hears the music :)  My heart loves him so much!!

You can tell he's really into it because his eyes are closed!  It's not captured, but he gets his arms swinging and finger pointing, it's hilarious... I could go on and on.
 This is just a random outing at Chick Fil A
 Vistiting Papa before surgery... running the halls, flirting with the nurses...

Monday, March 28, 2011

New to the blogging world

Ok, so I'm new to the blogging world but everytime I see/read someone else's, I feel like I should be doing one, too.  So here it is, TA-DA! :)
Mainly, I'm doing this so I can promote products and in turn critique them/get free stuff (thanks Kendall :)  But really, who is going to read my little 'ol blog?